Last night when I got back to the unit I took a piss in the garden, brushed my teeth and fell straight asleep. Now it's 5:50 am. Outside I can see the white trunks of the gums and the silhouettes of possums and I can hear the first morning magpie calls.
Yesterday Mike and Joyce, who are organic farmers from Gundaroo, generously popped in to the unit to deliver some fresh fruit and vegetables. My brother also came by and delivered bread that he had baked with a jar of sun-dried tomatoes. I thought that some aspect of my project would be to try and use things that are directly at hand, and so getting in food grown so close to town is really great. Coincidentally, we learned that Mike and Joyce's daughter lives in Joshua Tree in the USA, where Andrea lives and Homestead Unit was fabricated.

Here are Mike, Joyce and Liv. This image might look extra staged because there was also an ABC television crew filming a segment on the work (and actually most of the first day has been filled with media interviews).

And here are a a couple of images of the farm, Liv kindly took for me on Wednesday while picking the vegetables.